Comments : Bottled Fragrance of Perfection (she is one of kind)

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen

    I love your poems, too. It seems that you are an experienced writer, as well.

    This was a lovely read. Loved the diction, and intese emotions being portrayed here.

    Keep it up!

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Very romantic!
    You have an exquisite use of word usage throughout the whole poem!

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    In the first stanza, I love how in each line, there is a direct connection with the words you choose. "radiance: luminous", "melodic tunes: symphonies", etc.

    "Making the ground quiver under her delicate feet"
    ^^^^^ I love this line. Not only is it an oxymoron but it shows the true amount of care you have for her, making her seem larger than life. It's a very sweet line but put into a poetic sense that it doesn't clearly show the reader the true meaning [or maybe it's just what I am getting from it :P].

    "The enchantment of her captivating soft lips
    The loveliness of her smooth, elegant fingers
    The caressing touch of her tender loving hands
    Oh! She is one of a kind"

    ^^^^^^^^ I loved this stanza. The way you describe her physical appeal yet in such a simple, sweet and not too inappropriate manner is really sweet. Also plays back into the feelings you have for her.

    Overall, the poem is sweet and romantic, to say the least. :)