by Britt
I'm so sorry for your loss, Sibby. This is a beautiful and tragically heartfelt piece, I hope it helped even a little. Prayers for you and yours. |
by Jordan
I wish I could write like this. Your ability to write in the first person without sounding self involved gives your work such high ground. |
Minted in desponency, mired in a beauty of its own. Unrestrained poetic sadness, inking tribulations...... |
Sibs, |
by Exostosis
I see the poem a bit idk...not exactly differently. But as a reader I am going through a different notion than just the fear of death, the process of dying. |
by sibyllene
Excellent analysis. You actually read more into things like leaves and sun than I was even intending (I wrote this poem in one draft, very quickly), but I expect there was a part of my brain that was making those connections without me noticing. |
by nouriguess
I guess I relate to this write more than I want to admit. I too think about the death of my dear ones so often. It's heart-wrenching to even think about it. |
by silvershoes
"Your ability to write in the first person without sounding self involved gives your work such high ground." |
by Donnie
I lost my dad on Nob. 10, 2012. I thimk of him every day. While reading this poem I felt it im my heart. Great poem |
by Donnie
I lost my dad on Nob. 10, 2012. I thimk of him every day. While reading this poem I felt it im my heart. Great poem |
by Donnie
I lost my dad on Nob. 10, 2012. I thimk of him every day. While reading this poem I felt it im my heart. Great poem |
by Jenni Marie
Sibs, I am so glad I can finally let you know how much this piece moved me, here was my comment : |
by Donnie
Great poem. Loved it, I'm glad I got to read it thank you |
by Donnie
Sorry just seen were it posted my comment multiple times. |