Comments : Orbital Fail (Collab)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey


    This is beyond epic baby girl....wish I could nominate it lol...

    We flow so nicely. Thanks for going with my metaphor and nailing it with me

    Omg I love love love this

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Yeah we do! Its always fun to write with you babe ;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    I am torn between praising the cleverness of your collaboration and screaming murder at the Groan factor of your puns; I mean they're all over the map. This poem must have been an earth-moving experience for the two of you, and uncharacteristically cirrus as well!

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Seeing you comment, Larry really proves to me that we did a good job with this one!

      Thanks a lot ;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Holy comment ever Larry...thanks dad!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    Absolutely love the metaphor here, it was really creative and unique. So often I feel PnQers recycle metaphors because it's hard to come up with brand new ones, in our ways and terms. Awesome job girls :)

    Ooonly critique:

    "I thought I could survive;
    but could I?"

    Either you have the ; and no "but", or you have a comma and keep the but (lol that sounds funny). a ";" replaces the comma/and or comma/but combo. :) So it should be either:

    I thought I could survive;
    could I?


    I thought I could survive,
    but could I?

    Again, awesome job ladies. I don't have any nominations left, but if I did, it'd go here!

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks a lot Britt! We both appreciate your comment :)

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    I couldn't tell you apart you two gel together
    Really well this was a masterpiece

    Meme chelsey you girls rock :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I adore you two writing together. Most of the time in collabs, you can guess who wrote what...but you two mesh so well together that it's so hard to distinguish who wrote what parts. Great job with that, it made the poem a masterpiece. :)

    The metaphor of the equator! Like seriously, genius!

    First stanza: Love the beginning, when you are in a relationship, pet names are a given... it's something cute and fun. Anyway, the new name is Equator...I instantly thought he broke your heart since the Equator separates the earth in half.

    Second: Ouch. I felt that so much, the bitterness. Him carving it deep inside, making you pretty much loathe him for whatever he has said and done...even though your heart still mourns for him.

    Third: I love the line "nonseasonal rain of tears" ... most people like to use seasons in poetry, winter is nostalgic, summer is happy... etc ... but love doesn't have just one season and neither does tears... it can happen at any time. I don't know if that makes sense to you two, lol. I'm over thinking and just rambling. ANYWAY... when your heartbroken you have different stages of... I can't go on.. I can't survive, ... but then you get to the part of I will survive, I'll move on... I'll be okay...but then you get sucked back in again of the questions of can I really move on.

    Fourth: The mention of latitude and longitude works so well. I simple adore this stanza.

    Fifth: He has a new direction in his life...and you are lost... you have no way which way is north or south, east or west... no clue of how to find a new path.

    Ending: You see him for who he is... forever a equator, a heartbreaker. I love the mention of the poles! You two are amazing, I'm envious of your creativity!

    I'm adding this to my favorites so I can read it FOREVER! :)

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      WOW!! I love your comment Hannah!

      Thank you soooooo much :)

  • 12 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow!!! I love this poem!!! I would have never guessed this was a collaboration... it is such a cohesive and well-structured collaboration! You both wrote this poem so well, and you should definitely collaborate more!

    First, I really was interested in the topic. I love how you compared this person to an equator, and the mention of compasses and maps fit really well here. I really love the creativity behind this poem.

    I loved everything about this poem... but I must say I loved this stanza the most:

    "I'm trapped in pieces of
    latitude and longitude
    thoughts that have no way
    of locating my true feelings

    I really enjoyed this poem. Please collaborate more often! <3

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Hehe, thanks Sara! We definitely will ;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Oh my gosh thank you guys so much, now I want us to win Meme! Lol

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      LOL Chels!
      I want us to win too XD

  • 12 years ago

    by 8

    The first stanza is too crowded for a trivial thought. "Equator", which personally I don't agree being inserted in the poem. Why not simply make it the title and let the audience react to its' realization - once they've read the poem?

    Also, what was the aim in explaining that the speaker and the lover share pet names, only to say that the speaker does not remember the ones that made her smile? Because it becomes an unnecessary information that can drive the reader into thinking other things. Should we take the first stanza as a "story" that tells the lover's personality? That they like giving out pet names, if so, are their combined personality simply summarized in the name provided? Are we all summarized to a name? Sometimes we are, an existentialist would say we are definitely not - whatever your position is, this could be a good start before deriving supporting stanzas/statements

    "Stuck in between those
    broken echoed beats"
    ^ what should this "sound" like. Horrible image here. Don't force metaphors. Stuck between an echo? What's a broken echo (one that does not repeat??? Then it isn't an echo), there are different kinds of beats, which should we imagine? There aren't enough clues (a cave, perhaps, a deep well, inside a stationary vehicle between the tracks of an incoming train), such details can add to the element of sound and imagery you wish to create. We know the sound of echoes in a cave, in a well, and the siren of an incoming train may feel like an echo for a terrified person, with the complement of a broken beating of a heart).

    you made sure to carve
    a line of bitterness within
    me before storming your
    way out of my life.
    ^ I dislike this. The image of the "you" character here is lazy and a bit revolting. How does one carve a line of bitterness? Sadly, I suppose? So the "you" here is sad for a bit, then would suddenly storm out, like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

    "nonseasonal rain of tears"
    ^ should we really take note that the rain is non-seasonal? What's the point?

    I'm trapped in pieces of
    latitude and longitude
    ^ very hard to picture, so the pieces are scattered? Not entirely I guess because latitude, longitude, creates the image of both vertical and horizontal lines. Meaning, the pieces are limited, they are not divided into multiple shapes. The world, the atlas, is your metaphor here, it has latitudes and longitudes, and degrees to better measure your place. In following your metaphor, is shouldn't be that difficult to locate your true feelings, much more like searching for Hawaii in a map.

    You've mapped out a new
    direction these days,
    ^ when is these days? On your 2nd stanza, the person this poem is addressed to has left out your life, now we are to believe the person has been mapping out new directions...

    If you use a metaphor, use it wisely, research about it. The last stanza made an effect as if the reason the speaker used "Equator" is because it simply:
    split in half every
    heart that coordinates with
    yours, and leave it there torn
    apart between the poles of
    the unknown.
    ^ really?

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    ^^^^ Why did you waste all that time in your day to tell us how bad this poem is? Have you nothing else to do? I appreciate different opinions and for you to not like it, thats totally fine, but I must say your analysis is a bit over exaggerated and I can tell you were fishing for anything to say that would make us think our poem sucked....but in fact sir, you've done nothing but make us laugh because youre just another person who clearly does not have a deep passion for poetry the way we do because as everyone has stated before, this metaphor is highly unique. There are hundreds of poets on this site, and this metaphor hasn't been used once. That says something.....Why don't you tilt your head a little bit and let poetry speak to you with an open mind..I have read the ONE poem you have up, and that really made me chuckle for you to act like you know so much about poetry and writing, I was surprised when that poem DIDNT blow me away...brain inside a vacuum?? Really?...lets not even go there....

    Alls Im saying is, THANK YOU for boosting my ego and making me feel even more special that you took the time to break down our poem and bug us, when really it gave me a much needed chuckle. Youre so sweet.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Hahaha... Am cracking up... Lol, well said emerald beauty..

  • 12 years ago

    by 8

    Child, you need to read and experience more about life and existence:

    Also, child, keep chuckling... because the day we come when your brain will command your heart and eventually you'll hit the truth ike a thousand bricks, and you'll see the remnants of your baby teeth lodged on a wall.

    If it's true that you study poetry, someday you'll learn and hear my imaginary voice speaking truth. Good bye and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. And al though I'm always sorry, I hope this still can mean something.