God's Symphony In The Sky

by Anne P Murray LadeeAnne   Nov 9, 2012

Wispy, delicate tendrils of pink and purple shades
Float in orchestrated transformation across God's morning stage
A new day is awakening as the sun arouses from its sleep
Leaving behind the night slumbering in His Universe so deep
Waiting for another eve to share its golden moon
To play a magical interlude in God's dramatic melodious tune

All creation is majestically playing His music in the clouds
Each concert welcomes all people and any size of crowds
Free tickets are given to everyone who wishes to attend
No reservations will be needed, as God's concert never ends
Come as you are, no fancy dress code is required
Just come and watch whenever your heart desires
Everyone is cherished, there is no minimum or maximum of age
All are heartfully welcomed and desired before His magnificent stage

There will never be a lack of tickets or any sold out shows
They will be conducted by God, the Maestro of a beautiful adagio
Magnificent performances run continuously day by day
Please come and celebrate this dawning or evening as you may
If you miss this matinee please come back for another of His splendids
Another performance will begin as soon as one has ended

There are fresh new beginnings each and every day
We extend His loving invitation to all who wish to stay
Please come and join us, perform if you desire
No experience or resumes will ever be required
All that is needed to view...
Is your loving heart and You

Love To All,
God and His Angels


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