A Chat with my Cosmos

by Yakori bint Muhammed   Nov 11, 2012

10th October,2012.

A hollow sky welcomes its kindred,
in tears it turns grey in need of steam,
inviting the sparkling yellow to coat the shade of murkiness;

that awaits to roll out a foaming ritual in the cerulean.

Besieged by their carriage I assumed a windy stance,
whispering an eccentric lullaby to the gods
that puffs a pile of brimming eulogy;

to enact a valley of nature in a twinkling halo.

Lost in between these brush of refresh,
my flight simulates a beatify of fancy,
with an aromatic budding star of grace;

that dines with vibrant ample elements of muse.

Brewing memories I eagerly stride my way
to the gates of adoration in this crystal gust,
filming visionary coastal energy with a candle;

a breeze rises in a swirling violet entity.

I gasped in awe at the bemusing art in such galaxy,
locking my astuteness in a box of clay,
I asked for a stamp of swishing leaf;

to commune with the seasons in my next chimera.

(c) Y-MAG


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  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Gracious Yakori, I know you love getting comments from me sweety, but I have run out of words to comment on your poetry. This is beyond perfection. Your wording is incredibly deep, so much more than poetic, just a beautiful display of images you leave in your readers minds.

    This is brilliant....really it is, gorgeous!

    • 12 years ago

      by Yakori bint Muhammed

      Thanks for your sweet thoughts emerald beauty.
      Much more appreciated. :) ..

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    A Chat with my Cosmos. I love it. I love how the poem reflects using different harmonious words throughout to describe everything and what you could be feeling.

    But in a way I feel like this could be metaphorical, like I can imagine what is happening as I read with what you describe, but I feel like to you if could be a metaphor with a much deeper meaning?

    The ending is what makes me think that,

    "to commune with the seasons in my next chimera. "

    ^^Because referring to the seasons as a chimera, would that mean you are going to conquer then within your imagination? And if you are setting out to do that, would that mean you have already done that with the cosmos? Which makes me wonder if it's a metaphor for something else.

    I don't know, I tend to over think everything and when I'm tired I ramble. haha.

    But this is a very creative and beautiful poem.

    • 12 years ago

      by Yakori bint Muhammed

      Appreciate your comments thus analysis dear.
      Really grateful am I. :) ..

  • 12 years ago

    by Akerele1 Segun22

    Powerful one,comrade. Long time my poetic sister.

  • 12 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I love the beautiful imagery captured in a poetic flow. Interesting word choices . I enjoyed reading this

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Blissful... I am always at lost of words when I read your nature poems... Wonderful words, a treat to read.... Awesome and creative and vivid imagery created:)

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