The Fallen Princess

by frozen rose   Nov 11, 2012

There sat the beautiful princess crying
Left all alone and slowly dying
Trying to breathe steadily between tears
No longer able to fight away her fears
You selfishly left her to wither and decay
The Fallen Princess is painfully fading away
Look what you have foolishly done
In her hand, see the merciless gun
That will take her cursed life gladly
Taking the soul of the Princess will set her free
Not tortured by your charming voice
To end her life was your choice
But you dont have an option to say bye
Because you already left her to die
Which is exactly what she did when you said farewell
She's stuck in her prison of lonely hell


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  • 11 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    This is a great love poem if it is a lost love. I love tragic endings to any poems. I again love the story feel to this as it is a down fall of someone. The rhyming was great as always. 5.

  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    Good choice of words...
    Good rhyme and u wrapped up the poem with a powerful note/tone :To end her life was your choice
    But you dont have an option to say bye
    Because you already left her to die
    Which is exactly what she did when you said farewell
    She's stuck in her prison of lonely hell

  • 12 years ago

    by Karla

    Nice rhme indeed. I loved the ending.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Nice rhyme sad story.

  • 12 years ago

    by LostWords

    Damn. This is so intense and the rhyme flowed well. Great job. 5/5