Bloodstained Red

by X Harlea X   Nov 12, 2012

" Sit up straight, don't slouch! "
Words always spoken by the proper grouch.
Her opprobrious critisim fills me with doubts,
and hits me where it counts.

" Lets see you walk straight, "
He'll say while his beastly gaze fixates below my waist.
When he's done and my innocence is blown,
more horizontal scars will be shown.

So tired of being mistreated.
Tonight the family line will be depleted.
I'll put this gun to my head,
and give this room a new paint job; bloodstained red.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Alanis

    This was amazing, filled me with earnesty.
    It made me wide eyed at gape at your
    Amazing talent and become subject to
    Your praise, I love this esspecially these lines
    ll put this gun to my head,
    and give this room a new paint job; bloodstained red.

  • 12 years ago

    by kenzie

    Very vivid,
    I LOVED IT!(:
    i wish i could write as good as this.

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    I love this title.
    sad poem .
    but great. filled with emotion.
    well done .
    hope this didnt really happen.
    if it did im sorry.