Comments : A Colony(Stringed Haynaku)

  • 12 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    This was a really nice poem! I really enjoyed reading it.

    First, it didn't even seem like a formed structure because it wasn't forced.

    I love how this poem is descriptive and you are great at writing nature poems!

    Great job hon :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Amazingly done... I agree with PP...It dint seemed to be forced. I love the descriptions you give here.. Its like a door to the culture and heritage of yoruba people... vivid!!

  • You have aced this form, Yakori. Not one aspect of the piece appears forced, it all just flowed smoothly.

    This was a thoughtful and thought-provoking poems. There were a few aspects where I was unsure of the meaning - thanks for the brief definitions below. haha (:
    But even though my understanding lacked in the first read I couldn't help thinking, WOW! this is truly beautiful! It's an ode to your talent, Yakori!

    Also, there were a few new words I learnt today - panegyrics: eulogy - as well as those you have mentioned above. This culture sounds so intriguing!

    Your word choice and arrangement was outstanding - who could string so many beautiful and vibrant words together, but you, my dear!

    One minor typo:
    'Icantations' should be 'Incantations I think.


  • 12 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Wow, Yakori..this is just so very beautiful..I am speechless here!

    In just so few words you described the complete picture of your country.

    I love the string of formatted short poems, very strong wording, so intense and so alluring.

    You've got some talent, girl!

    Well done,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 12 years ago

    by Ashdown

    I googled Haynaku to get an understanding of what it actually is, it's really neat. This is a very impressive poem. I've read some other poems of yours but was feeling speechless as of how to comment. You are very talented.