Comments : Ratiocinative

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    you posted a new poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Glad you posted this. It is very different than your dark poems. It is passionate, soft and sweet. The love is expressed in ways that haven't been done before or at least I haven't read them. You should write more love poems because you did a good job. For that matter, try more different genres. Excellent job.

    One thing, in this line, bath should be bathe.

    Green are the lands that you grace. Cleansed are those rivers you bath

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish has indeed some very passionate
    images for the reader to feel! Each couplet describes a lovers image where one would like to
    be lost in...liked it and very nicely penned!!

  • 12 years ago

    by MyHalozChokinMe

    O.o I wonder why I didn't see this when you posted?!

    I'm at work but will be back to comment this evening.

    This is solid Guarav!

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    I find this piece very interesting!

    The images on each verse; or may I say couple of lines, is so vivid. It draws the exact image you had in your mind while writing this. As a reader I found myself drifting with those pictures, its really nice when your words could take the reader somewhere else.

    Well penned :)


  • 12 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Wonderful poem Gaurav, though its meaning remains elusive in parts.

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    So are my thoughts...

    You extol the way I contemplate cellular regeneration
    My avarice, you decry me as a coherent lover


    This is way to technical for a love poem....if it had been written for me I would have been turned right off by now..

    My desires are not furtive or indolent. Must I prove how inept I am of surrender?

    I dream of bliss. I dream of your skin as fire. My tongue, tracing your bare spine. And your moist lips locked between my feral teeth.

    I dream of infinity. I dream of your soul as home. Of your breasts resting upon my chest. Legs intertwined under layers of feather weight fabric.

    I dream of rain. I dream of your body as the Ocean. My fingers running through your hair, and your eye lids as a shutter eclipse before hazel iris.

    I dream of storms. I dream of your body as a Desert. Of your footprints upon sand dunes, and your silhouette as the midnight skies.

    Green are the lands that you grace. Cleansed are those rivers you bathe in. Lavished are your feet with anklets of fireflies, your arms with vines of emerald. The purest thought you are of the living cosmos, despot reincarnation. You are divinity in the flux of time, and I have hungered for your touch.


    The whole content of the poem was lovely's what a love poem really should be about....some really nice words in most of this verse.

    You extol the way I interpret anomalies.
    Yet still my avarice, you decry me as a coherent lover


    and...then you go back to your old self?..I know you like big words but....for a love poem....just keeping it simple wins every time?

    • 12 years ago

      by Exostosis

      I do not love big words :P

      I love technicality. And this poem barely has anything complicated.

      I do not go back to being myself. I merely am trying to explain myself. My lover in the poem seems to think of me as too logical. Perhaps she wishes for me to act normal and not measure every activity and decision. Not try to implement decisions based on a logical scale, in order to gain maximum efficiency and minimum error, for maximum throughput and minimum cost. Surplus productivity. I am portraying a side of me that does occasionally switch the logical mentality off in me, and succumbs to the abstract notion of love, which technically does not exist. Since love is caused by the release of a certain set of chemicals, including pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which act in a manner similar to amphetamines, stimulating the brain's pleasure center and leading to side effects such as increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitement. But in the poem my character is shutting off his notions and being abstract about love. Proving that he too can be just a regular human being that can appreciate her beauty and needs, which is normal and natural , as she appreciates his quest for knowledge. He is doing it via being abstract on how beautiful she is and how her radiance moves him.

      I hope this suffices? or we could mix it up with PM once I get back from work :P

  • 12 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    The best pieces are the ones where we put our hearts on the paper, not a form or a flow. This is raw, and emotional and just right. Thank you for sharing. *hugs* -Nik

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen

    "You extol the way I contemplate cellular regeneration
    My avarice, you decry me as a coherent lover"

    These are very wickedly clever opening lines and judging from its tone, this is going to be one heck of an edgy read.

    "My desires are not furtive or indolent. Must I prove how inept I am of surrender?"

    In this line, the poet shows how much they want to be with their lover. However, the "question mark" seems to signify ambiguity, awkwardness, and unwillingness as if they are force to prove it. But as the poem continues, the poet begins to talk persuasively and irresistibly (repeating "I dream" and "your body" noticeably) by showering their lover with compliments and flattery. "And I have hungered for your touch" is definitely the turning point of this poem, the ending is just expected as it is, sarcasm.

    I enjoyed reading this poem so much. It is not like every day you are going to encounter this type of poem (of verbal irony) on here. Excellent piece.

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Nicely done words just flow right 5\5 ☆☆☆☆☆

  • 11 years ago

    by Everlasting

    You should write another piece