Look through the eyes of a girl in love,
Her life written in tears scars and blood.
Not knowing why life has treated her this way,
Not knowing why she still hurts to this day.
The one person who takes away her pain,
Is the one person who can make her go insane.
Accusations almost everyday,
Seeming like he's purposely pushing her away.
She knows the feeling of not having him,
He knows the feeling of not having her,
So him giving up so easily,
Theres not much that that can show.
She crys almost every day,
No way to let the pain escape.
Not even picking up a blade,
Cuz that forsure would end her days.
She trys so hard to do things right,
She wont give up this exhausting fight.
How can the one she loves so much,
Be the one with the deadly touch....