Star ( shaped poetry )

by Baby Rainbow   Nov 26, 2012

............................bright.............................. will............................. shining...........................
.brightl amongst the crystals in the midnight tonight. Their twinkle will create such
...a magical display of strobe light dances
.....which will light up the sky like a fire display on the fourth of
.......July. Their sparkling glow will be
......shining down into your heart and it
....will reflect into...............your soul and
..uncover and


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Awesome. This is a beautiful poem with a beautiful message. Seriously love the look and feel of this piece. Shine on small star :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    What a piece!! Brilliant shape u got here.. And a sweet message too:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    YOU GO GIRL!......


  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    Wooooo hoooooooo you did it!!!!