Comments : The Cranium

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I don't know whether this is a reflection of your own childhood and life, it certainly seems like you are writing from experience and I know you aren't too happy where you are right now, so this piece was really strong it that sense.

    I loved the idea of the cranium, the mind, the whole process of thought broken down and each thing that has made you the person you are, what's shaped you.

    Lovely piece, a little sad to think that you feel like this but some hope is there as always, pushing you and keeping you on your feet


  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Lol it is about experience, but its not as bad as it seems...the city I live in, the people here, its just getting reaallly bad. Im ready to move down south where there is Southern hospitality and people value home cooked meals and church LOL..thanks for always commenting dear

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Wow, I honestly loved reading all of this...the idea of the cranium and how these are YOUR thoughts, yet everyone else gives reason as to why you might think this way. I remember clearly you talking about the city, and especially how people treat each other. The lack of respect. The chaos. You put so much heart into this piece and it distinctly hit my heart when you mentioned how men treat their women, and how lost the women are....vulnerable and not sure of themselves....

    Follow your dream to go down South....definitely with those delicious home-cooked meals! I know you will and I have the utmost faith in you! A truly unique poem. I love how you went off of that one word, speaking to the men, then branched off to create that reality. It definitely created a longing in me too....I mean it's wonderful to truly grow up somewhere and love it, but I think depending on who you are there's a point where you want to start something new. Wake up with a different scene in your head. One of my favorite parts was the ending lines where you listed activities, kill a spider, ride a Ferris Wheel, just letting you shine and overcome.

    Beautiful and the expression is just breathtaking here!
    Have a good rest of the week.. :)

    [Thank you for commenting on my latest piece, big hugs!]

  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Chelsey I feel like your getting a lot stronger in
    Your writing , this was amazing , I loved the whole
    Point , you really dig deep in every piece u love it
