Tongue Tied

by Chelsey   Nov 28, 2012

Please forgive me love, because I have wasted many poems.
Poems that looked like snow on a brisk winter's morning.
Sparkling, reflecting into windows and putting shimmer
on the walls. Inspiring one to curl up on the couch, light
a fire, coffee mug in hand, and cuddle against another.

They were all for the wrong people...and I'm sorry.

None of them deserved my best writes, my attention,
for you are worth so much more than any deep piece
of writing I've ever scribed. So much more than words
on a paper, twisted into making someone think
I loved them.

I take my time to write for you and get so incredibly
frustrated when my words aren't as beautiful as I use
to make them, but that's the power you hold. The
captivity your name, your face, your smile has over me.

I am tongue tied. Wanting to say so much; relying
on my pen to take off like the hands of a pianist
composing a love song, but it doesn't. My thoughts
tremble and the poetess in me tilts her chin down,
stares at her feet, and doesn't feel bold enough to give the slightest notion of all her buried
feelings. Feelings that overwhelm her and surprised
her with their entrance.

I suppose the reason my words are not
poetically sorted is because the only words
I wish to have the courage to say are...

You're a perfect creation.
You overwhelm my senses,
leaving me with indescribable adoration.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Chelsey, what is this? This is awesome :)
    You write so easily, its awesome!

  • 11 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awww. I love this poem! It was so beautifully written. I reallly love how you started this poem... about how you're apologizing for writing many poems for other people who don't deserve it.. and how you wish to write for this person, but because you're happy you are unable to express yourself.

    I loved this part: "relying
    on my pen to take off like the hands of a pianist composing a love song, but it doesn't"
    ^^ I love the comparison to a pianist composing a love song.

    I could relate to this poem in so many ways. I definitely get the idea of writing poems for people who don't deserve it, and also wanting to write a nice poem for someone but just feeling 'tongue-tied' as you've explained here. For me, personally, I feel like it's easier to write sad poems, but it's so difficult for me to write a 'happy' or 'romantic' poem nowadays. I want to express those positive feelings sometimes, but I can't come up with a good poem. I think you get what I mean lol.

    Anyway, I still think it's awesome that you've managed to write a lovely poem for this person, despite of being tongue-tied!

    Loved it! Great job :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Meme

    If thats what a tongue-tied Chels would write, then what would she do if she wasn't? WOOOOOOWW girl, just wow!!

    Those emotions were so overwhelming, I felt so tangled up in your words.

    Love it!