Comments : Mockery

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666


    You and your pen my dear,

    Are the equivalent to...


    Christian Doppler and moving sound...

    The speed in which your thoughts are pacing your mind, can be calculated by the change of tone in your writes.

    I personally would say that...

    The higher your irritation, the stronger the tone = blueshift

    The lower your irritation, the milder your tone = redshift


    Leonardo Da Vinci and The Last Supper

    Is that John or Mary Magdalene in the painting?

    Leonardo may have been one to "stir the pot", every now and then - you know, shake things up a bit, try to get people to think, etc. :)
    I guess the guy had a warped sense of humour hahaha....and may have liked a good joke...
    But I'd also bet money on the very last place he fancied himself, was locked up in some dungeon with an angry Pope deciding his fate.

    Let's face it... the man was far from being stupid.

    Or was he simply masking the conspiracy theory???... which is the divine love story between christ and the holy grail... And the secrete of the Da Vinci Code.



    You and your pen my dear, simply stimulate my brain.
    Gives me reason to smile about knowing all this... usually seemed "useless" information!!! :D

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666

    Oh yeah, my point...

    F**kin GUINIUS at her best!!!

    That is all <3