Sleeping Beauty

by Jack Nightengale   Nov 30, 2012

Close your eyes and take a sip,
As I open your minds to a whole new trip.
Old tales told by wise sages,
Gives us a story for all ages.

There once was a land full of peace and beauty,
Where fighting evil and dragons were a knights duty.
This tale dates by to an older time,
With a kick to the face like Tequila, salt and lime.

In this land lived a young girl a princess if you may,
Wanted by a devious with so she was soon to be cast away.
Raised in the wild kept safe by small creatures,
Until she reached the age of a rise with quite lovely features.

Through years of searching the witch grew bored,
Took over the kingdom with her evil dark horde.
Upon searching she thought to herself,
That maybe the young girl would've aged like old food on the shelf.

Dispatching her troops to look for a girl that's older,
Thinking that she won't last as the won't flew in and things got much colder.
Out sent her raven to come back with new word,
Only to hear tales from her old black bird.

Upon the girls eighteenth birthday she was told the truth,
Of how the evil witch that had been after ever since her youth.
Now ruling the the kingdom her parents once roamed,
Taking control of everything that she's to have owned.

She sought out vengeance and left on her own,
Once a young girl to a princess full grown.
She knew of the terror and could not face them alone,
Until an aspiring young Blacksmith promised to take her home.

They faced her troops laying waste to them all,
The witch grew tired and wanted to see her downfall.
Through all the dark magic that she could muster,
Many spells came up though the one she wanted came in a cluster.

The witch disguised herself as an old peasant,
Created a cottage in the would that from sight looked pleasant.
She found a way to deprecate the two,
The blacksmith search but the witch left him no clue.

The princess stumbled upon the witch's illusion,
Stopping to think if this was considered intrusion.
She called out to see if any one was there,
Then out came the witch disguised with grey hair.

Welcoming the princess in like she's her first to stop by,
The princess was fooled not knowing that this all was a lie.
The witch made her a meal one of poison unseen,
The witch wanted nothing more than to be the only unchallenged queen.

With a stomach empty the princess begins to eat,
Slowly fading, her body starts to fall asleep.
Unaware of the witch's simple disguise,
The illusion fades as she see the truth with her very own eyes.

Put to rest in an eternal slumber,
In comes the blacksmith hacking away at the lumber.
For in disguise the witch had no magic,
When the blacksmith reached her, he gave her an end that was tragic.

But the story doesn't end there,
Truly an ending would make this fair.
All had been put back to normal except one thing,
No tales of glory were there to sing.

Before the witch's end she did something right,
She put an end to the princess, an eternal goodnight.
The blacksmith became king and lived in the castle,
Alone he was left, no evil to fight and no hastle.

Some years rolled around and the princess stayed the same,
The king was broken but found a witch that was tame.
She reversed the spell and awakened the princess,
The kingdom was back to order but it all became senseless.

For this witch and the last were once sisters,
Now our story replays as if hit by twisters.
Though our ending was somewhat subtle,
The couple was left alone so that they could cuddle.


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    I really liked this. It was awesome!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Biancas Veil

    This is great,
    To have evil there must be good
    To have anger there must be peace
    All is replayed over and over without even taking it into consideration
    this never ending loop is senseless

  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I love this. it is truly amazing :) the poem seemed to be worded so easily. you done an awesome job! it is way better then you made it seem :P

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    VERY nice my sweet friend! :) I LOVE the way the poem just flowed! :) love it with my whole heart! :)5/5

    Queen Ash

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Enchanting, indeed! What's meant to be, will take some time. But the end, is where victory lies. Indeed beautifully worded! Keep thinking, and don't stop inking..

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