Darkness Inside

by xxOutcastQueenxx   Dec 1, 2012

Like sticky black shadows acting as webs, Darkness flows. It comes it goes, It surrounds me inside out side all around clinging to me. Gaining from my hurt my pain my rage and feelings. So I put up that emotion less mask only to hide my self away from its grasp. It hears my call it hears my cry to it is an open invitation to my life.


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  • 12 years ago

    by xxOutcastQueenxx

    Thanks it comes from my heart cause its how I truely feel about life.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Inspirational, a grasp of feelings of the heart's core spiring out into your words and singing the song of your heart, a story never wasted, pages that will change a life, and stories that grip my heart and pull me into the passion within. Well, done, you never disappoint, I can't wait for you to submit more, they are a joy and an inspiraiton to read!

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