The Invisible (Pt.2)

by Blood of a Lion   Dec 3, 2012

Dragging a body into the street,
Its feet digging in quite deep,
The fine crisp winter mix,
Now scarred by the dead man's feet.
No blood drained out of the fool's bag,
Thank the gods.
A trail that would be,
And quite long.
'In the woods we go to grandmother's house'.
He sang a jolly tune,
'To grandmother's house we go!'
The feet etching in their marks,
Like fingernails digging in to hold fast.
What was his name?
Stew? Stewart? Henry?
Doesn't matter,
He saw you.
Saw your face,
Your face?
You don't have a face,
Not anymore.
Spittle dampening the bandages,
A growl departs from thy lips remembering,
Remembering what?
You just ate fool,
You be unseen but the food is not.
'Stuart--Henry--, you just had to come into my room,
He turned with a violence,
And cracked his fist over and over against the bag in a spurt of madness,
Until a sickening crack filled the wood.
'You labored your being
Stop breaking this body.'
Again, he turned,
Gripping the end of the luggage bag,
With his one felled arm he dragged the body.
The trees calling out to his ears,
His invisible ears...
And so he be deaf to their tune.
They begged for his madness to end.
But the end was not yet, not yet dear Lord.
By Aaron D.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I'm glad you added a part 2. :)

    On the sixth line - I think "Thank the gods" ... I believe Gods should be capitalized. Anything pertaining to God, Gods, Lord ...even He or Him should be if you are talking about Him/Them ...since you said "Gods"... oh, and last line the Lord should be capitalized. Sorry, I've rambled with that... it's not a big deal, haha.

    Moving on...

    I like how you incorporated him talking to himself... or maybe it's just his thoughts... but it gives it a nice touch. It shows his madness.

    So, to cut the story short... the man, whatever his name is... saw him eating ... not him in particularly, but the food. He put two and two of course, he had to kill him.

    From the ending... I sense there will be a part 3?

    • 12 years ago

      by Blood of a Lion

      There might be I'm not sure yet. Thanks for the comment!

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Excellent job i love this

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Not yet, not yet...

    I need to watch that show.
    However, nice piece.

    I like the part about no face.. it's an invisible man.. but does that mean it doesn't have a face? I guess his face was seen because of the bandages.

    • 12 years ago

      by Blood of a Lion

      Basically as you read it it brings out that Stew-art/Henry/Stuart witnessed the invisible man eating making him have to kill him.

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