by Joarz   Dec 7, 2012

The moon when in its full glory & Shine
Brings ease to this heart of mine
Moon, when hides its face
Happiness disappears without a trace. .

When drenched in sorrow and gloom
My garden of flowers ceases to bloom
Moon, when you bleed, you are the blood-moon
I feel the same rush of red leaking within me. .

You do not see
And I fail to express
And everyday, I seek thy divine light for embrace
I watch your every phase. .

But do you notice this entity
This abomination who walks beneath you
Or am I still invisible!

Your silence resonates with a million words in my heart
No, don't fall apart
Don't fall to pieces
I am too weak to gather your fragments and give it back to you
You never seemed to ask though. .

My beloved moon
Can you shine back soon
Let yourself be free
Come take a walk with me. .

In the beach, your only desire, in the lonesome nights
Across the seven seas
In the arms of the soft breeze
My beloved moon
Show me again, thy divine glory
Ever dazzling, forever constant
Beyond and infinity. .


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  • 12 years ago

    by yogi73

    Ode to the Moon! This is really nice. Good flow and I like the emotion.

    Some minor gramatical things:
    My garden of flowers "seizes" to bloom - should be "ceases"

    And everyday, I seek "thou" divine light for embrace - I think "thine" or "thy" would be more appropriate.

    otherwise well done!

    • 12 years ago

      by Joarz

      Thank you Yogi73. Most appreciated. I already rectified the words you pointed out. Thank you.