Seeking relief (haiku)

by Wafaa   Dec 7, 2012

Deciduous tree,
hide my pain beneath your leafs,
for I need to breathe.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    I love a poem that stops my brain in its tracks, slaps me around the head and shouts

    'see, you aren't as clever as you think...'

    ***as he looks up the word deciduous***


    Liable to shed it's leaves.
    That one word has transformed my take on your poem.
    You may be able to hide, but you know sooner or later you will be exposed again and have to face the world. Maybe you just want or desire a little time out.
    Great little haiku and very very clever, far cleverer than me.

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    This has oceans of depth to it when it comes to meaning. Excellent poem my friend. You write gems:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Very powerful haiku, i am actually disappointed it is so short because you want more of it! Perhaps part 2? lol x

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Wonderful written sonia

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh mercy I agree... this is a haiku song... So beautiful Sonia!!