by rowenamendoza   Dec 8, 2012

Everyday I was thinking of you
Every second,every minuite I realy do...
Thingking that your teasing me
And for being sensitive I've get mad on you
Sorry if sometimes I don't understand you....

I am thingking of you everyday
And imagining that you are always there
Give me so much love and joy and so much care....
You are my everything and only you my love will share..

Always thinking of you makes me feel happy
And other was noticed that I was like crazy..
I dont know my love how to show you
How much I love and care of you....

Every seconds..every minute...and every day..
I will show you my love and how I care...
Thinking of you makes me feel happy
My heart beats so fast every time you call me...
Listing to your voice even on the phone
You don't know how you complete me RON...

I love you more than anything
I can't wait the time ohhh my darling...
The time that we want to be together
To share our love and how much we care...
And adore each other in special way.

Thinking of you my day is complete
You do everything my darling and that is so sweet...
Thinking of you every now and then
I love you so much RON till my life will END....


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