O'er Summer Skies (Huitain)

by Hellon   Dec 9, 2012

Day fades to hues of dusky pinks
over mountains where shadows deep
await with welcome as sun sinks
and, while in slumber they shall keep
embraced within as she doth sleep
once more, at dawn she will arise
to tend this earth, its soil to reap
nurturing fields 'neath summer skies.

@Hellon 9th December 2012

There is debate about whether this form of poetry originated in France or Spain. It revolves around the number 8. There are 8 lines with 8 syllables in each. The rhyming scheme is ABABBCBC


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  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist


    A nice piece about nature..this form is new to me, thanks for the info and for introducing it.
    A perfect 8 syllables , the rhymes, and wordings are perfect too.

    Well done. :)


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hellon, I thought I would look through some old pieces so here I am. This is a beautifully executed piece of nature. Though limited syllables and lines you keep the flow and rhyming perfect and smooth.

    Take care, Em

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "I don't recall seeing this form before, however the author makes it look so easy and effortless that it makes me want to attempt it myself.
    I'm always a fan of beautiful imagery and within the opening lines the author has me smiling as I can quite easily see what she is describing in my mind, and it makes for such a pretty visual.

    I'm usually not a fan of nature poems as I find that they are one of the more difficult genres to write about, and -if- a poet succeeds in writing them often I find they become cliche and often include overused terms/similes/metaphors etc. However, the author does a simply wonderful job throughout the whole poem, the imagery is spot on, as is the flow and the content of the poem, and I think this was a remarkable poem and lovely attempt at the style used."


  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    This poem is like a sunset view and the beautiful silence that follows. Truly a relaxing piece(:

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Lovely flow and imagery here. The form fits perfectly.

    One of the things I really love about your poetry is the minimal use of punctuation. Sometimes I think I use too much, and they still don't flow the way I want them to, haha.

    The delicate wording and rhymes, I enjoyed a lot too. This is something I could read over and over.
    Glad to read from you again.