A love that was never meant to be

by PrinceLawrence   Dec 10, 2012

Cerulean sky is bind with its prowess serenity,
As myself sailed on a thousand of journeys.
And the sea's surface reflects my face.
In my eyes, revealed, that I'm longing for it.
Sitting on a center, wandering along,
Soaking my self in a distant shore.
As one tarry night comes along,
And the river would not reflect the bright full moon.
I'll make myself be protected for always.



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  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Although this poem didn't rhyme or flow you can see the images loud and clear my dear! it's clearly this poem makes you think about a time when you just said "dang it i'm going to be alone"

    Queen Ash

    • 12 years ago

      by PrinceLawrence

      Yah, that's would it be, hopefully i would be not.