by Maple Tree
Be still my heart.... Wow... Saffie, you just wrote a write that makes me speechless.... breathtakingly beautiful... |
by Amreen
This is amazing.. I loved every bit of this. The picturization, the turn of events, the thoughts behind and the narration. This is a well-stated piece and flawless. The flow is apt and the usage of words here is perfect. This is by far, the best piece I read from you. |
Saffs this was unbelievable , I love how you made it |
by Wild flower
Seriously whats this? O.O |
by Unknown
This is such an unique twist to a fairy tale. Instead of focusing on the love story of the King and Queen... or a love story focusing on the Princess finding true love... It is about the divorce of the mother and father and how it affects the princess. |
Awww... this poem really touched my heart. It was like reading a story that felt very true.. and I was engaged from the start to the end. |
Saff! |
by Mams
Thats a poem wow..!! speechless... no wrds to described beauty of ur poem.. outstanding...:) |
by Maple Tree
This poem, was such a magical, and elegant take on the "Happily Ever After" tale.. However with a twist. Baby Rainbow, turned it around through the eyes of a child, in a broken home. The message of the love of a family being torn apart by divorce is tragic, but how she laced it into the metaphor of the fairy tale "gone wrong" was so touching, that I ended up reading this piece several times. Truly an emotional piece, full of heart and soul.. Beautiful and heartfelt!!!!!!!!! |
by Redangelwings
This is a very beautiful two sided fairytale. I love how it starts out as a "up to form" tale of a princess. Althoughthere is no true prince spoken of its great that you speak of a memory with him in it. They were once in true love bit now the princess is alone with her parents. I love how you show the family though riding off into the sunset. The painted orange sky shows a little bit of happiness inside. The princess is a sort of vague character here though. She can be anyone of us because she has a darker side to her. That is where the twist is. |
Poor child and I bet there is a child out there in this world who has had this happen to them My heart goes to the children and the "princess" who went through this because parents in their goal to get rid of each other don't see the pain for a little child who gets scared up because of their bickering I have heard my parents bicker since young and I can't stand them that's how much I'm sick of them and their petty wars this piece touched something in me like all your poems do 5/5 |