Not enough

by kathy   Dec 11, 2012

Sometimes you can do everything right
You can love with all your heart
express every feeling and thought
Be willing to give them your all
Be loyal, understanding, unconditional
but it still won't change their mind
They leave, no remorse or regret
You're left only with your memories
and tears
And no clue as to what you did wrong
What you could have done differently
But you will eventually move on
Pick yourself up and continue life
But in the back of your head...
You will know
that it was never enough for them


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I hope it's okay, but I nominated this for this week's contest, this is an outstanding poem I hope it wins, this poem shone a new light on me

    • 12 years ago

      by kathy

      Aww thank you! That was too sweet!