Comments : The Poet Of Milling [1]

  • 12 years ago

    by Blood of a Lion

    Very good. I enjoyed all of it, fell like a great section out of some book.
    Really great job. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I don't think I have ever read any of Philip Larkin's I can't say that I fully understand this piece. Is this based on one of his works? Or his life?

    I will say that this piece is very well written and I agree with Aaron that it feels like a section out of a great book. Very detailed.

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen

    I've never heard of Mr. Philip Larkin before until I did some research and I think that he couldn't be described in any more effective way than what the author has just penned here.

    Having been accused of misogyny, the author did a wonderful job portraying his character and helping us understand how his mind works. The theme of the poem is well-expressed, supported by powerful imagery and clever phrases.

    On a stool, or a armchair, frightened by fact that
    [On a stool, or "an" armchair, frightened by the fact that]

    every human isn't worth the skin they sit in
    ^ I find this line fascinatingly complex, evocative, and memorable.

    I like the paradox or seeming contradiction in this line "It's hard to tell" as it effectively creates an unforgettably conclusion at the end of the poem. Cleverly written!