I'm Not Drunk

by Maple Tree   Dec 13, 2012

I am the stranger walking alone,
leaning to the right with packages
falling to the ground, misshaped
frown upon my face, and you
pass me by.

I keep on walking, hoping
you don't notice the limp
that keeps me from running,
I'm not drunk dear stranger-

(Lights a cigarette)

just killing myself softly,
as the avalanche slowly
consumes my brain
with pinhole

I'm just a stranger,
ignore me,
read this passage
for I may fade away,
and you can reminisce
about the woman
you passed by
with the odd looking
walk; thinking-

"She must be drunk,
I'm sure that's all it is....."


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  • 10 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    This is sad. Added to favs.

    Everything has obviously been said but i guess il lrelate my life to this.

    This reminds me of what it feels like to kill yourself... Ironically with alcohol or another substance that slowly kills you.
    Killing you slowly. It also reminds me of, well it reminds me of growing up. School all the kids didnt know why a middle schooler would self harm, always hiding my scars, refusing to do the things everyone else would, keeping my shirt on...
    I was scared people would see my "limp"
    That they would see me as i slowly kill myself

    Again when i was older, i would write and write the most depressing papers for school and when the teacher asked if i was okay and i said its all i can do to survive. Lmao that was me in middle school. XD I was always a depressed freak. I love this. Faved

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I am the stranger walking alone,
    leaning to the right with packages
    falling to the ground, misshaped
    frown upon my face, and you
    pass me by.

    - this sadly happens too often now, it used to be a different way in that strangers helped strangers out and di not judge their behaviour before knowing the facts.

    I keep on walking, hoping
    you don't notice the limp
    that keeps me from running,
    I'm not drunk dear stranger-

    - this could imply so much here, with the limp, it could be an injury, it could be an illness that causes you to have this limp etc. Many people mistake staggering for drunkness when infact it could just be that person is disabled and can not walk without this limp.

    (Lights a cigarette)

    just killing myself softly,
    as the avalanche slowly
    consumes my brain
    with pinhole

    - this could realte to alcohol in one way, and drugs etc or could be relating back to the illness because the emotional side of the illness/disability can leave us consumed with this poison in our heads which is unseen by others.

    I'm just a stranger,
    ignore me,
    read this passage
    for I may fade away,
    and you can reminisce
    about the woman
    you passed by
    with the odd looking
    walk; thinking-

    "She must be drunk,
    I'm sure that's all it is....

    - Such a sad little situation this poem describes. People judging too quickly instead of a simple gesture like an offer of a hand to get back up. :/

    Sad but interesting poem, well done x

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I've read this a hundred times already and am just now having the chance to comment. Andrea, you blow me away with your words every. single. time.

    I'm not sure if this is a personal poem or just an inspiration. One part of me wants to think this is about a homeless person... but another part of me just wants to think that this may be about someone walking down the street judging another by the way they walk/act... which is out of the persons control maybe due to a disorder or injury. People are so quick to judge and have idiotic assumptions.

    I love the touch with the cigarette... it indicates that the persona maybe is stressed out, trying to conceal the limp,doesn't want people to notice... that in itself is stressful among trying to hurry down a busy street without getting ran over.

    It's very sad how people can walk by strangers and judge them... everyone has personal issues they are dealing with.

  • 12 years ago

    by myonlymoon

    Andrea I seriously love this write... Your words are always so simple and true. We are often so quick to judge others. This was so well written. A very good read!

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Such a meaningful and sad write. I adore your poems a lot and this took my heart away with sadness.
    Keep writing(: