You're Always With Me

by Poet on the Piano   Dec 13, 2012

How long has it been since I stretched
my neck to take a look?
Has it truly been weeks, did I give up
my search?

Tonight, I found you in the stars.
I wasn't ready to let you go, but see,
I have said my goodbye with your
silent chest and sealed lips.
That doesn't mean you are away.
Because your soul is alive
through those tears
and your presence lives on through
the ones you have always loved.

I've never seen the birth of so many
stars, large and spreading peace,
and I know you are there,
protecting me as the night sweeps in.

I'll close my eyes with your love
tonight, and I will sleep with dreams
of becoming the person you were.

I took your hand one last time,
letting you know I will always love you.

* written December 12, 2012 at 9:11 pm
Dedicated to my grandpa Max: 12/9/12


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  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Awwww. This is sweet yet sad. I too love my grandpa a lot and have penned a poem for him. They are definitely the brightest star of our lives and truly the best people we should have.
    Keep writing:)