L'amore e' come il sole e la pioggia, come la tempesta e il vento, come le nuvole e il cielo, come l'acqua e le onde, come i fiori e l'erba, come la sabbia soffice e come la pietra in modo duro e forte, potrebbe essere bello e brutto, potrebbe dolce e amaro, potrebbe essere felice o infelice.
L'amore e' come il clima che si e creato tra la pioggia e il sole.
L'amore e' volubile, i sentimenti cambiano cose rapidamente e scompare come una nuvola nel cielo.
Scritto da Goddess Poeta
Love is like the sun and rain as the storm and wind, as the clouds and sky, like water and waves, like the flowers and the grass, like the sand as soft and as the stone so hard and strong, it could be nice and ugly, it might sweet and bitter, it could be happy or unhappy.
Love is like the weather that has been created between rain and sunshine.
"Love is fickle, the feelings change so quickly and disappear like a cloud in the sky."
Written by Goddess Poet
Liebe ist wie die Sonne und Regen, wie der Sturm und Wind, wie die Wolken und Himmel, wie Wasser und Welle, wie die Blumen und das Gras, wie der sand so weich und wie der Stein so hart und stark, es koennte schoen und haesslich, es koennnte sauer und bitter, es koennnte Gluecklich oder Ungluecklich sein.
Liebe is wie das Wetter das erschaffen worden zwischen Regen und Sonnenschein.
Liebe ist unbestaendig ,die Gefuehle Aendern sich so schnell und verschwinden wie die Wolke am Himmel.