by Amreen
Awwwww..... Utterly sad piece. You took my heart away with this and the way you pictured the sad demise of those little flowers, the bitter reality seem much hurtful. |
So sorrowful! I loved the last stanza the most, especially the last line. I can't hide that I wanted the poem not ending. |
by Maple Tree
When I heard the news yesterday I was in shock.. I couldn't even talk about it on the thread you posted, but this morning I come on and I read the beautiful dedication to those precious children and their family's... The title says it all.. they were plucked at random.. senseless act.. just precious little ones at school, learning.. the metaphor of the flower buds, and the perfume lingering... aww Hellon this was a beautiful dedication... just takes my breathe away... |
by Meena Krish
Its terrible to hear of those dear children who |
by Liz
Thank you for sharing this. I woke up this morning and inevitably heard more news of the tragedy and it brought me to tears. I work at a preschool, and of course, they have drills for every kind of situation.. but you never dream of these mock drills actually becoming so real. This poem has also brought me to tears, everything is real. A very moving dedication to those children that lost their lives. And even to those who didn't, but witnessed and were exposed to such violence :( |
Very touchingly penned on this sad day. Young children plucked from their roots, before they could have had a chance to bloom. Senseless and inexplicable loss. Innocent lives that depend on adults for nurture, victims in the hands of a trusting adult. |
by Unknown
Oh Hellon, thank you so much for writing this. It's a lovely dedication to those precious babies who were definitely plucked at random. My heart breaks for their families, I couldn't even fathom to know what they are going through. |
by Exostosis
A beautiful dedication. Writing anything more will not be possible at the moment. |
by yogi73
Beautiful yet sad poem. Love is never forgotten. |
by Jenni Marie made me cry :(...biatch ;) |
by Em
Hi Hellon I decided to look through peoples older stuff and the title of this drew me in and I wasn't going to read it at first but then I went back to the page it was on and it seemed to jump out at me. I must say I am in tears writing this and remember vividly about what happened and this piece is a sad, telling tale of how heart-breaking it was then and still is now. |
by Maher
Ya know, Hellon, I don't think I've commented on your work before, so I thought I'd find your oldest one on here, because that's what I like to do. They're usually the most honest and heartfelt. |