by Xanthe Dec 15, 2012
category :
Life, society /
I found the street in daylight, |
by Hellon
I found your title to be so intriguing.....why the 18th century I wonder? |
by Xanthe
Thank you, everyone :) |
by Baby Rainbow
Love this poem Xanthe, your language just makes your poems so exciting to read and they really draw you in and grasp your attention. There is nothing cliche in any of your writes, your word usage is so unique to only you. I love this. |
by Unknown
Sigh...I love this. |
by Unknown
Sigh...I love this. |
by L
What I love about this piece is the way it's written, it took me into the picture. I was observing based on your words as well as the picture what you were saying. I simply love the approach you took. Plus, You took advantage of the picture's effect to narrate what you were doing per se, I just like it as well as the title, it goes well with the vocab used in the poem. |