
by HiddenScars   Dec 21, 2012

Behind the hair on my face, are these blood shot eyes.
I'm such a disgrace
I deserve all the lies

**This was written by someone who was really close to me. I'm pretty sure he wrote it himself. I'm not sure where he's at now, last time I heard from him he was in the hospital with a chance of dying from a suicide attempt that I could've prevented. I'm sharing his work because he never had a chance to.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Deep and dark i like it

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    I love rawness and abruptness; it sounds urgent, even though there are few words to convey that. I really hope you're friend's okay, but you can't blame yourself. We all have choices and free will. Sometimes, life seems impossible, especially, when you've been hurt time and time again, but that doesn't mean that there's no hope. Anyone can turn their lives around; it just may take more effort than others. Stay strong, kiddo.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    NO YOU DON'T, no one should be lied to, this is a wonderful piece fo writing, remember you are a princess

  • 12 years ago

    by Natasha

    I love short poem like this.
    I love how the word is used in this one.
    Good one!

  • 12 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    No matter what I hope his spirit remains in your heart