Big brother

by aly   Dec 23, 2012

Why did you have to die, your little sister needs
her prince in shining armour,
her rock
her gurdian angel
her saver
her healer
her happiness
her teddy
her big big brother.

this was written for my big brother, george knight,who sadly passed in 2011, i hope you are resting in peace and feel loved george, i love you forever and always and thank you for being the best big brother, i could never of asked for anybody better.



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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Sad poem i'm sorry for your loss p&l midnight sky

    • 10 years ago

      by aly

      Thank you, it was hard at first but im getting there to recovery every day

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    I can tell how much you need and miss your brother. Very emotional piece. I love your voice, the way you wrote this makes the words scream in my head. Fabulous write.

    • 11 years ago

      by aly

      I really do miss him, i was very emotional unstable when i wrote this piece, thank you so much for the positive comment!