in the strangest ways.
Hands reluctant
to end their task
of searching
for bottoms.
~But there were constant holes
in everything you wore~
- Oh this is so interesting. I take it to be that the holes represents some kind of faults, or betrayals etc.
I imagined ravens would peck
Baltimore avenues with cold and
unpublished misery when I left
- :O !! This wording is just fantastic, it is so dark and unique. the imagery is quite vivid fromt he words pecking, like a feast to the preditor. I also like how you used the word 'home' implying that it was more a place to stay but not where you felt truly at home.
I thought I could finally rest,
knowing there would unbreakable
stone to bash my heart against.
- I think here there should be a word between would and unbreakable? Perhaps 'be' ? It is very strong here to think of someone bashing their heart instead of their head, I have never come across this before and think it explains how much your heart is hurting and how much you want the pain to go away.
unsure when nausea will stop
my inner clock from sinking
- again an interesting ending, it is like you have been caught up in this little scene which you have dreamed or imagined and it has affected you deeply but perhaps more deeply because it is relating to certain situations in your life, certain feelings.