Our Song

by Autumn Leaves   Dec 29, 2012

Tonight I will allow my mind
to drift into the past.
I will relight every moment
and every dream we ever shared.

I will play the song you sang for
me while we entwined our souls
underneath the maple trees.

I need to pretend that we are still
lovers but more importantly that we
are friends.

I find myself laughing, yet no one
has told a joke. My cup is not half
full nor is it half empty, there's no
place in between but our song will
continue to live through me.

*Critics welcome this is just something that came to mind and I just typed it on my tablet... I will be editing this poem soon.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    I will play the song you sang for
    me while we entwined our souls
    underneath the maple trees.

    ^ I love this. It's really sweet and vivid, the image of a maple tree is probably one of my favorites.

    I too think this has a lot of potential, or could be turned into a couple different poems. I don't know what your plan is for it, but I like the longing vibe that a few of the stanzas give off.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    Oooooh, this was goooood!

    "I will play the song you sang for
    me while we entwined our souls
    underneath the maple trees."

    This stanza literally defines 'soul mate'. I like this. It shows that the speaker didn't just love this person, or have a physical relationship with them, it was a union of the souls, and it felt indestructible and unbreakable.

  • 12 years ago

    by Let It Be

    Im going to be honest, I would like to see what you could do with it in stanzas i think it has potential. Although in my taste coulod you add some details. Throughout though i get the feel of the emotions. And who doesnt like to dwell in the memories of the good times. I did like this its truely great.

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Awh this is sooo sweet i wouldn't find any errors even if i tried really hard! the poem flows so beautifully and the story it tells is something that i have seen over and over but this time it's really different!

    I find myself laughing, yet no one
    has told a joke. My cup is not half
    full nor is it half empty, there's no
    place in between but our song will
    continue to live through me.
    ^ this stanza is actually my favorite for it tells us what is in your heart but also that there is always the memories that keep us going even though at times it's hard so we joke around without really anyone telling a joke 5/5 my dear!

    Queen Ash

  • 12 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Wow this has an amazing free flow and is very romantic

    • 12 years ago

      by Autumn Leaves

      Thank for your comments Luce and Mike.

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