My Lover

by Yakari Gabriel   Dec 29, 2012

"my love is free, but it is not cheap, nothing about me is cheap" - Alysia Harris

you remind me of those creepy stories
old people tell, those who you highly doubt
but make you feel scared anyways-

I don't know what to believe anymore
when it comes to you, I now know
how harsh your tongue can be
and I find it difficult to trust you,
like rain, I loved you - until without
permission you brought thunder and
lighting along with you.

..and now the fragments
of light against my mirror bring
me an uneasy feeling

when the sun dissapeared yesterday,
you came to me saying you're sorry
for the way you treated me, and
I won't lie.. you melted me there..


"truth is I'm in love with you,
and I know you don't believe me,
but I truly am and I am so afraid"

"I was okay without you for a while,
but then I started to miss you,
and whenever I seeked for you
you rejected me, and it made me upset
and I started to freak out thinking
I would lose you"

"I am on a weird lock with you,
please be mine, become solely mine"

...but I've been yours, my lover.
you just didn't realize that
and it never took me being close
to losing you to realize how
much you meant to me, there
was never any reason to risk
anything, because I was sure
of what I had..

..and you weren't.

my heart has expanded a lot,
and I'm quick to forgive-
I just hope you know,
that I now view you differently

and you certainly have,
a lot of proving to do..

I pray your words are
not birds in the sky,
I hope they carry some
type of foundation, and
some sort of weight..

..we'll see where we go from here.


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  • 11 years ago

    by ImmortalWiccan

    Good you should read my poem My Love

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay


    ...but I've been yours, my lover.
    you just didn't realize that
    and it never took me being close
    to losing you to realize how
    much you meant to me, there
    was never any reason to risk 
    anything, because I was sure
    of what I had..

    ..and you weren't.

    ^^^^^ Wow!!!!!!!!

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