No one came home

by PrincesaTJDA   Dec 29, 2012

Once when you were only a few days old you cried one night uncontrollably. I wiped your tears i kissed your cheek and sung you lullabies. Nothing I did would console you. So I held you close and we cried together. Daddy came home and all the tears and sorrow were gone.
Today you woke up and found me crying uncontrollably. You whipped my tears kissed my cheek and sung me lullabies. Nothing you did consoled me. So you held me close and we cried together. No one came home and the tears and sorrow remain the same.


I wrote this after my 2yr old fell asleep a few days ago. Her dad and I split up and I find my self crying for no reason. Usually I just shed a couple of tears here and there but that night I had gone to look for him and told him I loved him. He didn't say it back. That night while putting out daughter to sleep I started to cry and I could stop. My daughter keep telling me to stop crying, she would kiss me and hug me and brush by hair back. But I could stop crying. Seeing her made me miss him more so finally my daughter laid her head against mine and she cried with me. I remembered how when I first became a mom and I didn't know why she was crying I broke down. When my husband came home and found us both crying he laid in bed with us and it felt so peaceful that we finally stopped crying and fell asleep.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This seems to be a very well written poem in tribute to a possibly bereaved or missed father..It really moved me