The Woman Called Death

by Blood of a Lion   Dec 30, 2012

I seek death,
And yet it does not find me.

It lingers there like a sociopath.
It has a smell.
An unnatural odor that fills the room.

Like some awkward child in the corner.
Shied away but then coming forth when she sees a smile.
Blood trailing down thy arm,
Yet death does not find me.
It looks at the blood lustfully,
But does not come towards me.

In sooth it is no longer a child,
But a skeleton with a shapely body,
It feasts on the lives of man.
It gorges itself and does not cease,
Not even for a moment.

In sooth, it waits above the very death-bed of man,
And watches, drinking in the breath of each one,
And counting every breath slowly.
She sits on his chest applying pressure,
And ensuring his death,
Causing each breathe to come slower.

It fornicates with the flesh,
Driving out the last of his energy,
And taking it thusly for herself.
In the waning ostentatious moments of ones death,
We find ones character from birth,
Whether they be noble or ignoble,
Even then they ask for repentance.

A fire deep in the well of ones mind,
And yet Death does not weep,
Rather reaches climax on the eve of your demise.
She takes it in and does not release.
Fine and delicate, bones for fingers,
And she draws in your lifeforce,
And drinks deep to the point of implosion.

Only then does she smile.
And I tell you truthfully,
Her smile could kill ya'.

By Aaron D. 12/30/12


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Very creative work,
    keep writing.

    • 12 years ago

      by Blood of a Lion

      Haha at some points it is, thanks for the kindness! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Anubiskaz

    Awesome stuff i loved it well done :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    OK honestly I don't like dark poems but you have such a creative way of writing that I find myself entangle into your stories.

    This poem reminds me of Samson and Delilah, Delilah had such an influence over Samson he revealed to her his secrets only to betrayed.

    I also feel like this poem tells the story of a harlot who take her naive victims and lead them to their deaths. In many cases men will willingly go after a women like a bull goes to a slaughter... This poem is so erring and intriguing that I can't find the right words to say but this is definitely a thought provoking piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    This is so epic.....I like it......keep it up:) great poem...

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