The danger of my greatest friend

by xxOutcastQueenxx   Dec 30, 2012

The damge has been done now its an addiction. It started the day I met my greatest friend. It started with a razor and ended in a cut. The razor broken into peices so only the blade is left and there I found my greatest friend.

Not caring if the blood gets everywhere. Not caring if they see not caring who will miss me. Because I am alone this is truely me. I need the pain that it causes me it helps me see that im still me.

Me? who is this person that I speak of? Damaged by pain hurt and lost. Putting up a mask to hide whats left. If everyone knew I would truely be at a loss for they would take away my greatest friend and with out that friend I will loose my self futher to the point of nothing left. This here is the danger of my greatest friend.


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This poem has so much force, power, and meaning, I hope you don't mind, but I nominated it for the weekly contest, and will talk to people about it on discussion, this deserves to win any prizes, this is I think one of my favorite poems that I have EVER read!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Someone Invisible

    Deep baby you're getting deeper with your work bloody brilliant piece right here.

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