You don't have to drag me,
Even the floor is empty,
Hundreds are waiting for the first couple,
Daring to walk into the light on the floor.
It is not different from love I think,
I am the first to dare,
Or maybe I am not?
That is not important anymore.
We are in our own love movie,
We are both conducting the tunes,
Setting the scenes and flashing our souls,
Life is a big scene to enter.
Going there as a bleak Ginger and Fred,
That is something different,
Are they smiling our laughing?
Our dance maybe strange, but feels good.
Soon couples cover us as a shield,
No one sees our footsteps now,
We are in peace, maybe not in pace?
But we are there dancing once more.
It feels good to be back in the dancehall,
Tunes are streaming from the loudspeakers,
Light is flashing from projectors and mirrors,
Misplace as me perhaps, but makes a difference.
The voice is slowing down along with music,
The speed is slowing, like the swirls are,
Stop for a break soon, and kiss and return,
Like in real life, when the good times has to stop.