You can't fly
[I know I can't]
Then why do you try?
[The time has come]
But the sun is still
on its way to save you...
Don't jump.
How much longer
can I keep you alive?
Your pain is deceiving you
[It calls so strongly]
You are its pawn
[I'm finally facing it]
Opening a circuit,
connecting the metal,
making a point of contact.
Just let it go.
You don't need to fix anything love...
the arms attached to you have their own
purpose, it won't help for their taste
to hit the opposite of the sky.
There's no need for your cables
to be held anywhere except against me.
* Written 1/4/2012 at 7:00 pm
* Inspired by Tokio Hotel's song "Don't Jump". I imagined the scene from the music video when the man is on the roof of a park garage.