Stamps, Puzzles, Memories.

by lillie   Jan 7, 2013

Stuck in the middle, not sure which path to take.
I have friends who are true, and real, and the others
are just fake.

I've seen some friends leave and go.
But theres a few, inside my heart they always grow.

Down the middle and into my heart.
Some friends have broken it, and torn it apart.

People change, people grow, some people leave, some people go.

It's about the little things that remind us of who we were around our friends.

Telling jokes, buying cool clothes, keeping up on the new trends.

Friendship is more than just a label.
Sometimes it grows into more, over some quiet dinner at the table.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Hello Lillie :)

    First, I'll just say, I've always loved the way you construct your poems. Two lines with rhyming ends... it flows really well and seems like you're talking more than anything else.

    The first half seems really sad because we all know how true it can be! There are some that will stab you in the back and leave and all that. So it is definitely a poem you can relate to.

    The last part seems a bit more upbeat, remembering good memories and all. Definitely an interesting poem to say the least. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Elizabeth

    That is really good