Comments : I Miss You

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666

    All I can see is tears, as you hug your pillow...

    Evidently, he is under your skin...
    Going to stick my neck out here and say he's the oxygen to your blood, brain and lungs... A vital element for you to maintain life.

    As he's touched your life like the raging storm of mother natures demise... A fear that you had no choice but to face and see through... Things will most defiantly, never be the same again.

    His scent, its everywhere you turn... strong enough to take your mind back to the warmth of being in his sweet embrace... Craving him like sugar in your morning coffee.

    As much as the sound of his voice make you happy... Your broken speech is digesting the pain of his absence.

    Heart felt write missy,

    • 12 years ago

      by MyHalozChokinMe

      As always, your interpretation is spot on.

      And you are without a doubt correct in stating that things will never be the same again...

  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    This seems sad, but how much you miss that person shows how much lovr you hold.
    Great job:)

    • 12 years ago

      by MyHalozChokinMe

      It is sad but...a welcome pain all the same.
      Thank you Wild <3