Comments : Perfectly Polished

  • 12 years ago

    by Maalouf


  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems


    Oh Hannah I loved this so deep
    The page cries with sadness I thought
    This piece was flawless I loved how you
    Created the black polish as a sign of sadness
    Compared to showing your heart ach.

    You really are growing even more as a writer

    Nominated !!!

    Favorites !!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey


    What have we here? ughhh You always make me freak out!! I freaking love this dude...

    OMG You used perfectly polished as a pun that was amazing!!!

    I want to say so much and just explode, but I'm too in love with this piece and freaking out! GAH!....loved the bit about the mascara so you use black nail polish...damn you!! I wish I had thought of that..

    omg omg..this is brilliant! How can one not nominate this!!?

    <3 mwah!

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    As I lightly stroke "Liquid Raven"
    across my eager nails,
    I think of you

    ^^I love the image painted here, the use of "Liquid Raven" paints such a specific picture in my mind.

    You had always teased me
    on how they always had to match my outfit -
    I had to be perfectly polished from
    head to toe.

    ^^The wordplay in this stanza is both deep and brilliant. It also shows a side of you in a way, that you care about your appearance and it doesn't go unnoticed.

    Tonight and only tonight,
    my black nails mourn for you -
    for my mascara is too expensive to ruin.

    ^^Definitely my favorite stanza. I feel pain and uncertainty radiate from this as well as some bitterness. I'm not sure if the bitterness is intended but I feel like it's there in between the lines.

    they will be swiped clean,
    awaiting a new bright future.

    ^^I love the vulnerability throughout this and the depth. You capture a beautiful mourning, that feels like it has bravery in it. Especially in the ending. Everything about this poem is purely brilliant.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Love this one of yours Hannah. It shows a control someone has had over you and painting you as perfect and all you had to do was to be to their standards and nothing less. In this poem you show part of this control such as how you dress and paint your nails and have to look perfect. But you also show that you will not stand for it anymore and will break free of this. Brilliant use of make up here to portray your message, and love how you show how little he is worth that he is not even worth wasting your mascara on! ouch, that gotta hurt their ego!

    Love it xxxxxx

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Who knew nail polish could make for such a great poem? This is fantastic!

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Creative as always, Hannah. If only the site had italics, i thought it would've been better instead of using the quotation marks. Enjoyed this as well, nonetheless.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    It's not that long but it said all that it needed to, wonderful poem

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This is great.

    As I lightly stroke "Liquid Raven"
    across my eager nails,
    I think of you.

    ^If you would have just used the word 'black', I probably wouldn't have kept reading. It's your exceptional use of adjectives that make me want to read further. It's such a dark, smooth imaged that you evoke here.

    You had always teased me
    on how they always had to match my outfit -
    I had to be perfectly polished from
    head to toe.

    ^At this point, I wasn't sure where this poem was going. Maybe a taunting significant other who had moved on, or a friend or family member dying, evoking a memory from you.

    Tonight and only tonight,
    my black nails mourn for you -
    for my mascara is too expensive to ruin.

    ^This for me, can be taken in two ways. Because it's black nail polish, and it's mourning, it seems like a funeral. But, the second way, is a metaphoric funeral. You're moving on past whomever this person is/was, and only tonight will you mourn the memory of them...

    they will be swiped clean,
    awaiting a new bright future.

    ^until you start new tomorrow, and the pain of them is no longer there, or the first scenario I mentioned, you most past the loss of a loved one and you're not going to let it stop you.

    Regardless, I love this. Added to my favorite poems. You definitely have a way with making things so smooth and vivid. Very impressive, love!