Fear of You

by QueenGwen   Jan 10, 2013

There is a time just after the sun sets
when all are in bed, fear comes out to play.

He dances in the night, invading dreams
of the innocent, bringing great nightmares.

He speaks in soft dulcet tones like that of
an angel, yet turns quickly to evil.

Lucifer was once an angel, as fear
was once hope and happiness fallen dead.

Risen again as the deep rooted fears
that lives in the night through the subconscious.

Fear stalks his prey with watchful, patient eyes,
awaiting the perfect moment to strike.

Fear attacks logic and rational thought,
rendering them useless to fight for truth.

Irrationality takes hold of the
mind, fueling fear to a powerful strength.

Without logic, the mind cannot defend,
itself from the wicked ways of evil.

For fear is at the root of all evil
at the core of all that is bad is fear.

You take away my logic, my defense
from my deepest fears I keep locked away.

Fear of loneliness, darkness, of losing
myself, the fear of becoming so weak.

You, and you alone can render me so
incapable, indescribably weak.

You are my darkest fear, my happiness
and hope fallen dead, lifeless and evil.

You were my sunshine, and now the never
ending black that swallows my body whole.

A darkness surrounds me, I can't escape,
You pin me, entrap me, hold me tied down.

Chained to you, I live as an empty shell,
Unable to loosen your grip, choking.

You have killed my spirit, ended my drive
I am solely yours, a simple play thing.

How can I escape, I am lost in fear
of you, the one you who use to bring such joy.

Were we ever happy, was it all just
a sick illusion, used to ensnare me.

Alone, lost, never to be free again,
this is what you have done to me, Cody.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    There is a lot of darkness, there is also a lot of poem, potentially you could trim it back a touch and still have the same message loud and clear.

    that said these two were awesome

    ' Chained to you, I live as an empty shell,
    Unable to loosen your grip, choking.

    You have killed my spirit, ended my drive
    I am solely yours, a simple play thing.'

    this says so much about how you felt and is very powerful.

    just for these two this poem easily deserves a 5 from me.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, this is a very remarkable poem, I enjoyed reading it a lot, great job, 100/100

  • 12 years ago

    by Natasha

    Dark, deep, and yet beautiful! :D

  • 12 years ago

    by LoVerSLaND

    Beautiful 5/5.