The Clock Keeps Ticking

by Dominique Lewis   Jan 14, 2013

Tick tock says my very annoying grandfather clock,
I yell at it to stay quiet but it just keeps going,
This shadow moves toward me as I look at it in shock,
But then this shadow starts glowing,
What is happening?!

The clock suddenly stops and all I can hear is my own beating heart,
Why is this creature slowly creeping towards me,
Suddenly everything seemed to fall apart,
The figure decided to flee,
So I started to run after it.

My breathing started getting faster,
As I chase down the moving light like a cat would chase the mouse,
This was turning into a total disaster,
But out of nowhere it went into the house.

The ticking of the clock was all I can hear,
Looking around with my blind eyes I see a form,
I shook from the dread I felt and the fear,
Outside was the chaos of a storm,
And it started moving closer.

The glow consumes me and leaves everything still,
I fly up to the clouds and wait for my prince charming,
Through the house there is a swift moving chill,
He appears in front of me and is so disarming,
I finally know there is nothing to fear.

The house remains quiet and cold,
With me in the heavens with my true love,
The witches curse has been foretold,
And on the clock sits a lonely dove,
Listening to the ticking of the clock.

The grandfather clock wishes me luck,
I smile down and say "Just keep on ticking."
Then suddenly the hands struck,
It is now midnight and the Grandfather resumes his tick-tocking.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    Beautiful written.

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Okay this is really cool poem daughter! it started out until the middle it reminded me of Peter Pan if you read the book or seen the movie lol anyways i really like how you went from one thing to another yet it still held on to the poem perfectly my dear daughter!!! 5/5

    Queen Ash
    Your Mommy forever and beyond!

    • 12 years ago

      by Dominique Lewis

      Thank you mother. I thought I would write something new and different. And well this is what came out of it.

  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Okay this is really cool poem daughter! it started out until the middle it reminded me of Peter Pan if you read the book or seen the movie lol anyways i really like how you went from one thing to another yet it still held on to the poem perfectly my dear daughter!!! 5/5

    Queen Ash
    Your Mommy forever and beyond!

  • 12 years ago

    by Let It Be

    As I chase down the moving light as a cat would chase the mouse,
    <I think in my opinion change the as a cat to like a cat because at the first of the line you already have as and the repition is not needed.

    I love how its like a dream but a darker reality. Its almost like your chasing something thats hidden in your subconsious. Your stanzas are good and the flow is amazing.
    Details are my favorite and you perfected it in your own style.
    <creature slowly creeping towards me

    Over all I truly thank you for sharing this

    • 12 years ago

      by Dominique Lewis

      You are welcome and I fixed it. I didn't realize that I did that. Thank you for telling me.

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