My Little Soldier

by Hellon   Jan 16, 2013


when you cry for me
I will come.
For, I was born to stroke
your pain away...

Telling tales of
ancient warriors who
lived next door to me
is a lie
I can easily tell
if it will soothe you
back to sleep.

Your eyes look beyond
to a place I have yet
to discover


I promise I will find it
if you decide to go there....

16th January 2013

* This poem was posted in my last account. I have now modified it slightly.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is beautiful, I can see where others are coming from in their comments about a parent soothing their child, perhaps from a nnightmare etc. But I also took a different approach to it.

    When I got to this part :
    Your eyes look beyond
    to a place I have yet
    to discover


    I promise I will find it
    if you decide to go there....

    - it made me think of a troubled child, that has been abused or kidnapped, or exposed to torture which no one else has witnessed yet. And so they become fearful which can be shown through their eyes, and the message from this confidante is that you truthfully have not been to this place or know what it holds, but when this child is ready, you wil be there to go trhough it with them and understand the best you ca.

    I felt it very comforting and hopeful and reassuring that whatever this secret place is, they will not be alone there.

    I really enjoyed this and love poems that make me think of so many different little scenes, similar, but different. I have a small image of when i worked with stray dogs, and I believe I was there to comfort them and show them how to move on, and their eyes told a great story which in time would become clear.

    Loved this :) x

  • 12 years ago

    by onethuscome

    It starts in mid-stream (and...) so that i feel like i "walked" in on something that is delicate and charming which i actually really like...very unusual to most any depiction of open-ness you'll find. that alone is enough to warrant my congrats but the poem in total is so direct that i KNOW you are sincere making me all the more appreciative of a little piece of real love right there before my eyes. however,if you just made it up your a dangerous woman as you lie TOO

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This piece took me back to a time when I would read to my children in late of night... rocking them, comforting them,,, such a sweet piece and feeling to escape though the eyes of a child... beautiful piece!

  • 12 years ago

    by Liz

    I may be wrong, but reading this makes me think of a parent soothing their child back to sleep, telling them a story.. I work with young children and sometimes they get bored with books so we make up stories and this reminded me a little of that. Everything is real in a child's eyes. That's just what i got from it. :) I enjoyed it, nonetheless.
