
by Autumn Leaves   Jan 17, 2013

I need you to come and
open the blinds of my eyes.
Look inside of me, don't you
see the veil that's concealing
my bleeding heart?

I refuse to wear my feelings upon
my sleeve and every time I
reveal my wounds to you, you have
a way of extracting more blood out
of me.

The loss of blood has weakened me
and being here in your arms has
become unbearable for me.

Come and uplift the blinds of my
eyes, so you'll understand why I
can no longer try.

I won't keep trying to fix something
that you don't seem to recognize
is broken and I won't pretend that
we are happy anymore.

Your love has given my old wounds
new soil and your lack of empathy
gives sound evidence that you are
not capable of loving me anymore.

Close the blinds of these swollen
eyes because only here in complete
darkness I find the comfort I once
found at your side.


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  • 12 years ago

    by TSI25

    Id have to agree with skyler a bit about the beginning into the middle, but it definitely got a lot more brilliant around the beginning. being on this site, i have read a LOT of poetry about cutting, but this one was subtle enough in its usage, and eloquently powerful enough to be unique on a wide variety of levels. definitely an thoughtful read with a lot of meaning behind the lines.

  • 12 years ago

    by Skyler

    The visuals are a bit over-zealous at first, but it weaves into an awe inspiring rhetoric.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This is a so incredibly sad. It's a toxic relationship that the speaker is in, and they recognize it. But, at the same time, the speaker's heart is breaking because of this. There's a longing, the flavor in this poem feels like they have given everything they can, and it was still not even close to being enough for the significant other.

    "Close the blinds of these swollen
    eyes because only here in complete
    darkness I find the comfort I once
    found at your side. "

    This can be interpreted in two ways. 1. Sleeping is the new comfort. You can escape the actual painful feeling and just find comfort in slumber. 2. You can close your eyes and imagine the mentioned relationship as perfect, and untainted. Either way, it was such a fantastic closing.

    The speaking about blood loss was a terrific metaphor. In a sense, relationships like these are totally draining, and they drain you until they can't anymore, until you have nothing left to give.

    Beautiful metaphors!

  • 12 years ago

    by zombiepikachu

    I quite enjoyed this! It was beautiful!
    In the sixth stanza (I don't know if anyone else has said this) I think you should change evident to evidence. I don't think you were intending to be grammatically incorrect, but if you were, then by all means, keep it!
    This poem was simplistic in metaphors, and the use of cliches was minimal, but still there. However, it's not corny or over the top. C: I loved the first two lines, and I'm glad you carried that through the poem. Why was t called conceal? I'm not sure i got that from the poem. I feel as if reveal is more appropriate.
    Oh, I just read through it again,
    In the fifth stanza, you say broke and I think broken is grammatically correct.
    But this was beautiful! Even though there were not a lot of complex metaphors, the simplicity wasn't as awkward as most poems nowadays.
    Beautiful! Keep it up! c:

    • 12 years ago

      by Autumn Leaves

      Thank you for your comment and insight on my poem it's apprecaite.

  • 12 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    Its always sad to be hurt and especially for that person not to realise of the actions played upon your feelings. Yet it also depends on what that person meant if verbal actions that were taken and not committed by physical performances, thus the two could talk and work out the differences as well as what each were implying to understand the outcome.

    Good use of metaphors as well and a very well written poem


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