by Aubrey
Awwww AL....this is so sad...hugs...keep your head:) everything will work out for the better:) great poem5/5:) |
Thank you...sweetie. |
That's the poem I dream to comment, full of emotion and fit in place. Marvelous write of you. I enjoyed reading it. |
by NobodyKnowsItButMe
So sad a poem..!:( well penned...loaded with emotions! |
by Amreen
This is heartbreaking Autumn... You have a way with emotions and letting them out in a creative way. Nice to read this and this is wonderful! |
by average thoughts
Omg,.. |
Thanks:) |
by Rusheena
This is really beautiful. I love metaphorical poems, and this one gives me more reason to. |
This was such a beautiful poem. I felt your words strike me, because you start off asking for this truth to be revealed- for your eyes too be uncovered and for someone to recognize why. You also have power in your voice- especially with refusing to wear your heart upon your sleeve, and also, with continuing a relationship that just seems stagnant. You now believe he won't love you, I mean truly love you. I liked the sort of twist on the end, like you came to a final realization that darkness is the only relief. Really sad that this had to happen- and that this person's side is no longer your comfort. Well-expressed and good flow. Take care. |
Thanks:) |
by Unknown
I swear, with each new poem you post... it is greater than the last. I seriously can't get over how much I love this poem, lol. |
Thanks:) |
by Formidable Muse
I'm really glad that you are writing more, honestly your work keeps getting better and better. (And it was great to start out with) This poem is beautiful and heartbreaking. I feel like you were feeling every word when you wrote it and that totally adds power to it. It's one of my favorites by you, although I feel like I think that every time I read something new of yours. |
by Lostlove1
This piece is awesome and it smells like a winner! |
by ArtistrySoul
Its always sad to be hurt and especially for that person not to realise of the actions played upon your feelings. Yet it also depends on what that person meant if verbal actions that were taken and not committed by physical performances, thus the two could talk and work out the differences as well as what each were implying to understand the outcome. |
Thanks:) |
I quite enjoyed this! It was beautiful! |
Thank you for your comment and insight on my poem it's apprecaite. |
by Marcy Lewis
This is a so incredibly sad. It's a toxic relationship that the speaker is in, and they recognize it. But, at the same time, the speaker's heart is breaking because of this. There's a longing, the flavor in this poem feels like they have given everything they can, and it was still not even close to being enough for the significant other. |
by Skyler
The visuals are a bit over-zealous at first, but it weaves into an awe inspiring rhetoric. |
by TSI25
Id have to agree with skyler a bit about the beginning into the middle, but it definitely got a lot more brilliant around the beginning. being on this site, i have read a LOT of poetry about cutting, but this one was subtle enough in its usage, and eloquently powerful enough to be unique on a wide variety of levels. definitely an thoughtful read with a lot of meaning behind the lines. |