Comments : Conceal

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Awwww AL....this is so sad...hugs...keep your head:) everything will work out for the better:) great poem5/5:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    That's the poem I dream to comment, full of emotion and fit in place. Marvelous write of you. I enjoyed reading it.

  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    So sad a poem..!:( well penned...loaded with emotions!
    I loved your style of writing!:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    This is heartbreaking Autumn... You have a way with emotions and letting them out in a creative way. Nice to read this and this is wonderful!
    Keep penning(:

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    starting from

    Look inside of me, don't you
    see the veil that's concealing
    my bleeding heart?

    every time I
    reveal my wounds to you, you have
    a way of extracting more blood out
    of me.

    I won't keep trying to fix something
    that you don't seem to recognize
    is broke.

    And this end..jus wow..
    Close the blinds of these swollen
    eyes because only here in complete
    darkness I find the comfort I once
    found at your side..

    once agn, beautiful..(beautiful)

  • 12 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves


  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    This is really beautiful. I love metaphorical poems, and this one gives me more reason to.

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was such a beautiful poem. I felt your words strike me, because you start off asking for this truth to be revealed- for your eyes too be uncovered and for someone to recognize why. You also have power in your voice- especially with refusing to wear your heart upon your sleeve, and also, with continuing a relationship that just seems stagnant. You now believe he won't love you, I mean truly love you. I liked the sort of twist on the end, like you came to a final realization that darkness is the only relief. Really sad that this had to happen- and that this person's side is no longer your comfort. Well-expressed and good flow. Take care.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I swear, with each new poem you post... it is greater than the last. I seriously can't get over how much I love this poem, lol.

    First stanza: PERFECT opening. Using the blinds was just so awesome and then the veil! Ah, so good. You want that person to notice what they are doing to hurt you... to just look into your eyes, spread those binds and see that your heart is bleeding for them, because of them.

    Second stanza: You no longer will let them see you hurt, you will keep it hidden behind your blinds because every single time that you show them... they only do something worse, something that tears your heart open even more.

    Third stanza: That person has hurt you to the point that even being in their arms doesn't make you happy.

    Fourth stanza: You're inviting them to lift the blinds and finally see the hurt that you have been hiding for so long, try to let them see why you can no longer try with them.

    Fifth stanza: You are done, you can't do it yourself if the other person is refusing to see that it needs fixed. You can't pretend to be happy any longer.

    Sixth stanza: They have only cut your wounds deeper, and the lack of their empathy is enough proof that you need to move on.

    Ending: Being alone is now your comfort. Not having to deal with the drama and the hurt of one who didn't show enough love towards you... you can work on healing your wounds and making yourself happy.

    I love this piece so much. Keep writing, girl... you rock! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    I'm really glad that you are writing more, honestly your work keeps getting better and better. (And it was great to start out with) This poem is beautiful and heartbreaking. I feel like you were feeling every word when you wrote it and that totally adds power to it. It's one of my favorites by you, although I feel like I think that every time I read something new of yours.

    I would give you a proper comment, but it looks like quite a few people beat me to it already. Just know I'm still reading and enjoying every word you write. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    This piece is awesome and it smells like a winner!

  • 12 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    Its always sad to be hurt and especially for that person not to realise of the actions played upon your feelings. Yet it also depends on what that person meant if verbal actions that were taken and not committed by physical performances, thus the two could talk and work out the differences as well as what each were implying to understand the outcome.

    Good use of metaphors as well and a very well written poem


  • 12 years ago

    by zombiepikachu

    I quite enjoyed this! It was beautiful!
    In the sixth stanza (I don't know if anyone else has said this) I think you should change evident to evidence. I don't think you were intending to be grammatically incorrect, but if you were, then by all means, keep it!
    This poem was simplistic in metaphors, and the use of cliches was minimal, but still there. However, it's not corny or over the top. C: I loved the first two lines, and I'm glad you carried that through the poem. Why was t called conceal? I'm not sure i got that from the poem. I feel as if reveal is more appropriate.
    Oh, I just read through it again,
    In the fifth stanza, you say broke and I think broken is grammatically correct.
    But this was beautiful! Even though there were not a lot of complex metaphors, the simplicity wasn't as awkward as most poems nowadays.
    Beautiful! Keep it up! c:

    • 12 years ago

      by Autumn Leaves

      Thank you for your comment and insight on my poem it's apprecaite.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This is a so incredibly sad. It's a toxic relationship that the speaker is in, and they recognize it. But, at the same time, the speaker's heart is breaking because of this. There's a longing, the flavor in this poem feels like they have given everything they can, and it was still not even close to being enough for the significant other.

    "Close the blinds of these swollen
    eyes because only here in complete
    darkness I find the comfort I once
    found at your side. "

    This can be interpreted in two ways. 1. Sleeping is the new comfort. You can escape the actual painful feeling and just find comfort in slumber. 2. You can close your eyes and imagine the mentioned relationship as perfect, and untainted. Either way, it was such a fantastic closing.

    The speaking about blood loss was a terrific metaphor. In a sense, relationships like these are totally draining, and they drain you until they can't anymore, until you have nothing left to give.

    Beautiful metaphors!

  • 12 years ago

    by Skyler

    The visuals are a bit over-zealous at first, but it weaves into an awe inspiring rhetoric.

  • 12 years ago

    by TSI25

    Id have to agree with skyler a bit about the beginning into the middle, but it definitely got a lot more brilliant around the beginning. being on this site, i have read a LOT of poetry about cutting, but this one was subtle enough in its usage, and eloquently powerful enough to be unique on a wide variety of levels. definitely an thoughtful read with a lot of meaning behind the lines.