A Dedication in Relation, up to Death [Tanka]

by Khalid M Darwish   Jan 17, 2013

There's no relation
more sincere than that between
smoker and cigar
It burns in favor of him
and he dies because of it


* 5/7/5/7/7


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  • 12 years ago

    by Skyler

    And the oil we burn poisons our air, the beast we eat makes us grow fat and tired, the water we use is present in every hurricane, every consumption also consumes us. Such is the way of things. I have never seen it so beautifully expressed. 5/5, this is my favorite of yours.

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    This is amazing. I really didn't expect it to be that good with so few words, but you definitely proved me wrong. Great job!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, this was a different approach to take on this. Very interesting and very poetic ending.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    That's a relationship where both give their life for each other. However, it seems the cigar is just one... but just with one the smoker won't die...So if the smoker dies.. that means the smoker is a ladies man or a guys lady...because the smoker takes more than one cigar... So it's proven, one is to be with just one person not too many. lol..

  • 12 years ago

    by Aditya

    I liked it, so true...keep it up