The Hunted

by La Reina De Corazones   Jan 17, 2013

Was I just your prey,
Or was it more than just a quick slay,
Was my blood that strange that you thought it was fey?

I still remember that day,
I had held a ray of hope that you'd let me stay,
But no you had to say nay.
So now you will pay!!!

Look at yonder hills and hear the way they all scream yay,
Didn't you say you were their "rey",
Heck now you sway,
In fear and still I'll do to you as I please for it's my "ley",

I did tell you I would one day,
Take my revenge and not stop midway,
And although you think it's wrong it's what you deserve so I think it's okay,

I was like that mother tigress once the one that wouldn't stray,
The one that had no time to play,
For the only one that had time was the male and that was only because it was just that way,

But now I am ridding upon that bay,
Away from you and away from this hatred so I have collected my pay,
So now I just dance in that soiree,
As I end this play,


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  • 11 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Oh this style is MINE lol i had to do this since my freaking talent went away to the four winds!!! it just kept changing and i guess it was time for me to go from third/second to first and i am GLAD people like it! :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Let It Be

    I love the flow of "ay" at the end of each line. I enjoyed this!

  • 11 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Queen it's almost 22 lines rhymed altogether! I'd have to ask where did you find this style, or mai not be yours? It's fantastic write. Some stanza are 3-lines and some are 4-lines. This reallyt drive my attention and I personally loved it. Yet, still there're more rhyming words inside the lines like "say" and "ray". Your writing is really attractive. Keep on penning the same style and avoid to be in "astray". 5/5

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